submit your kiss letter

Follow Up - We're Going to Vegas Baby - KISS M&G

Posted on 12/08/2009
Dear KISS, This is a follow-up to my first letter titled, "We're Going to Vegas Baby!" Just to re-cap: My boyfriend and I saw you guys in October (Long Island/NY) and we decided to see you again in LV. This was our pre-birthday presents (hitting that "milestone" birthday). We thought about a cruise but with my work schedule and unwillingness to fly (it had been 12 years since I was on a plane), the options were slim. With the incentive of meeting you in 'Sin City' (what better place), along with the wonders of modern medicine, we boarded the plane on November 27 en route to Vegas! On Saturday, November 28, we met a few other fans while waiting to meet you guys at The Pearl; consequently, we've exchanged emails and have kept in touch. We were promised "a solid 20 minutes" at the M&G with you guys; however, we were the second group to go in and were rushed. Knowing you guys were going on-stage soon, it was understandable as to why it happened; nonetheless, we still would have liked a little more time. Overall, the experience was amazing and you guys are really true to your fans. I remember first shaking Tommy's hand and greeting him; I told him we flew from New York and he commented, "Oh Gene's from NY" with a warm smile. Paul also shook my hand and greeted with a big smile. Then I remember you saying, "Hey come over here sweetheart," realizing it was you and not my boyfriend, and thinking, "HEY -YEAH!" (LOL) We took our picture before I met Gene...and maybe it was a good thing because at that point I was starting to get what my friend described as as "Ralphie Syndrome" - the sudden feeling of awe and nervousness like Ralphie had when he met Santa Claus (from the movie "A Christmas Story"). Gene was very gracious as well, especially when he saw my daughter's card (she made a card for each of you and you all graciously signed her copies). I saw Gene's eyes tracking the inside of the card and he responded, "This is great; this is really great," and asked about her. Ironically, when I was about 5 years old, the man freaked me out with the whole "demon persona" and blood; I thought I got over that, however, seeing him towering over me like Godzilla made me feel like I was five again. All I could do was smile and stare. My goal that night, aside from having a rock'n time, was making sure that each of you received the cards from my daughter and signed her copies. I have to say one thing: my daughter has been smiling from ear-to-ear since the morning I spoke to her en route to the airport to go home and had told her that you guys signed her cards. THAT makes me happier than anything else. Thank you for the experience, your music and your dedication to your fans! An equally sincere "thank you" for that phenomenal moment at The Pearl; it is truly something that I treasure! Have a great holiday season and New Year! Your Fan, Josette Noto P.S. - Please consider coming to Jones Beach in the summer; I would love to give my children the experience I had.
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