submit your kiss letter

Nov 22, 2009 Show

Posted on 11/30/2009
I just wanted to drop you a line letting you know how much my son enjoyed the show. But first I need to let you know we almost didn't make it. Friday night (Nov 20th, 2009) before the show my wife got a call from the kids complaining that they did not feel right and could not think straight. When my wife called me and told me what was going on, I knew it had to be an issue with the heater that had just been turned on for the winter. I told her to talk the kids out of the house while I called the neighbor to rescue them (they have a key to our home for just an emergency). The wife and I raced home (we were at work) while in constant communication with everyone, when we got home the kids had been taken in by my neighbor, we found them in bad shape and my son was blue in the lips. Turns out that the roofers had knocked the pipe out of the exhaust port of the heater and the house was being filled with fumes when the heater was turned on. After much kid care, me and my friend (the neighbor who tended to my kids) vented the house out. It took all of Saturday for the kids to get back to their normal selves. My son was very thankful he and his sister survived a possibly deadly night. The one thing that kept my son in good spirits was knowing that he would be going to his first KISS concert (second if you count the fact that he was in his mothers belly during the show in San Jose in August 1996), I also had to promise my little girl that I would pick up a shirt for her at the show. The night was great, he got his face painted, we were in row 16 of section B and my son was wowed the whole night. He couldn't believe we were able to feel the heat off the flames. He will never forget this night. He spent the entire day after the show listening to the concert off his KISS usb drive in his room. A Fan for over 30 years Jose
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