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my review of the KISS show in Nashville

Posted on 11/28/2009
Yesterday in Nashville was the day I had waited 3 long weeks for. I arrived at the arena around 4 and then we parked but had to wait for 3 hours until we got in. So we walked up to the Holiday Express Inn to meet my uncle and his future wife (but future should'nt be the word it should be eventual wife). So they put they're luggage up in the room and so we all headed off to find a place to eat. But before that the walk that me and my dad made up to the hotel was creepy. First off we got weird looks from people because we were wearing KISS make-up, then this dude looked at us and tried to sing this part from a KISS song called 100,000 Years. He was like "Sorry to have taken so loooonnnng!!!!" It was terrible. Then this college student had the nerve to ask my dad "What Is KISS?" Then we arrived at the motel. Ok anyway we were walking down the street and out of nowhere this lady who was obivously drunk started cussing and smoking lord knows what, and then we get asked to pose for pictures by LOTS of people. And we were nice and we posed. So then we got to the restruant and we ate very good food. I had a nice well done hambuger with fries and when that was over we still got to pose for pictures. THEN it arrived. We walked to the arena where people were selling counterfeit tees and asking if anybody had any extra uneeded tickets which they didn't, they're were people even selling tickets on the side of a bar called Salloon's. So we got to the arena got to our seats and waited the extra hour we had. And at 7:30 on the dot as promised Buckcherry came out and started the pulse pounding song called Tired of You. Then they finished and during the break my dad went to go buy tees that werent counterfeit by the way. And then at about 8:15 KISS started their set with a huge blast of pyro and the curtian went down and Gene Simmons started the opening words of Deuce: "Get up and get your grandma outta here." And then the song closed with an even bigger blast of pyro. Then KISS played Hotter than Hell, then after the song Gene blew fire. And something that made it great is that not only did I have no ear plugs but I also lost my voice! And remember that that bodyguard for Bret Michaels on Rock of Love Big John? He was there, and he was a row ahead of where I was sitting! I sware to you, it was cool and I got to meet him and it was all cool. Then Paul asks us if we feel all right and he got a loud response of YEAH!!!! And then we get an amazing guitar solo and an awesome vocal shot at a KISS staple: Shock Me. And an amazing drum solo from long time KISS drummer, Eric Singer. The great part about it was that the lights would fly around and the drum set would spin while Eric was playing. From the 20,000 strong sold-out crowd of the Sommet Center. Then Gene spits blood and flys to the very top of the arena and asks "Oh Yeah?" "Well all right!" Then soars into I Love It Loud. Then Paul hits into the riff of Black Diamond then starts playing a snippet of Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven, then asked us if we knew the words to Black Diamond and we did so we sang along. And Paul tells us that the world is in bad shape. "We're in a recession, and then jokingly said There are people in office that should'nt be in office." "But knowing that the when you go to bed knowing that there are the same problems you woke up to you need to remember to saw KISS tonight." "So there for we all just gotta get away to Rock and Roll All Nite and Party Every Day!!!!" Then the guys end the first set of the show. Paul comes out and asks "You dont wanna go home yet do ya?" And adds "We are gonna play the longest encore you have ever heard!" And that started to Shout It Out Loud. Then Paul sways off into the crowd to sing the permenent KISS staple: Love Gun. And then at the end of the show Paul said "This is music city you didnt hear country music, you didnt hear pop, you heard rock and roll tonite! So it should be called Music Rock City. So buckle your seat belts and follow us to....Detroit Rock City!!!" And then a big finish and a lot of pyro ended the show. And on the screen it said: KISS loves you, Nashville. And with that show in the books the stage crew started cleaning up the stage and that was that. It was one heck of a night. I wish I could re-live it over again. It was worth the $587 my dad spent on the tickets. It was beyond a word for amazing. It was totally what was promised and that was that everyone would get the total KISS spectacle and I did.
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