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KISS-fan from Norway

Posted on 10/23/2009
Hi! Last year, june the 1st I saw my first KISS concert ever. The concert was in Begen, Norway. At the time the only thing i liked was dressing up in a suite and with a hat - and worse I wasn't kidding. After a saw you my life changed, and I discovered "fun". Since that day everything has been about KISS. I even baked a cake (decored with the demon makeup) when Gene became 60 and brought it to shcool. Then the whole class (even the ones that is wierd enough to say thay don't like KISS) celebrated. It was great, and I'm planning to do it for the other members as well... SONIC BOOM Sonic boom is a great album. The mixing is great, the sound is great and the songs is also great. I love it, especially Modern Day Delilah and All for the glory - pleace play those on the upcoming Tour. All of you have done a great job... Also I'd like you to know that I thing is great that Eric finally have two bassdrums, and that he play more metal style. Great!!! I would like you to say that I really would hope "Coming Home", "Creatures of the Night", "Mr. Speed" and "I Stole Your Love" would appear on the show. I know non of them is played ofthen these days, but still they are all great songs, and my favorits! Anyway: The Bergen-consert kicked ass!! I hope you will return for the Sonic Boom tour, and if so: I can't wait! Thanks for beeing the best heroes anyone can get!!! - Rockin' regards form the KISS Army of Norway
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