submit your kiss letter

Littlest but BIGGEST FAN

Posted on 09/24/2009
9-22-09 Dear Gene I am writing to you in regards to my son his name is Kameron James he is six years old and believe it or not he is one of if not the biggest KISS fan yet. Let me first start out by telling you a bit about Kameron, he is our second child and form birth he has always been special if not for him being small and always having to prove himself to other kinds his age he was also born with a speech problem and this has been one of his biggest obstacles we have had him in speech therapy and worked with him diligently to help with improvement. But believe it or not three years ago we went to Myrtle Beach for a family vacation and were fortunate enough to be there for the grand opening of the KISS Coffee Shop, and form that day on KISS has been his obsession. He has spent countless hours watching videos playing, CD�s and singing along with the songs and it is amazing how well that he remembers the words and is able to imitate the moves and antics of KISS. He knows each one by name what they do and how they portray themselves on stage. I guess Gene would be his favorite because that is the one that he seems to love the most with his ax guitar, dragon boots and most of all his tongue. He has his room done in KISS. Posters, figurines, lamps and other item�s to numerous to mention them all. He even got to the point of writing his name as Kameron KISS James in school. We gave him a surprise and took him back to the Coffee House in August and he got to see and meet Eric Singer and that just fueled his fire and passion for KISS, and even though I had to lose two days of work for his he said it was alright Mom, I got to see Eric Singer then we gave his a birthday party and the theme was KISS with all the music, a cake with a KISS picture printed on it and the kids young and old enjoyed this. And so I wanted to let you know that when we heard that KISS would be playing at the Bilo Center in Greenville, South Carolina I knew that he would have to go. So we managed to get tickets and he is counting the days until then. But most of all I want to let you know what a positive effect that KISS has had on Kameron. From him singing along to the songs it has seemed to help his speech to some degree. For Christmas all he is asking for is KISS stuff, with the hopes of the Gene Simmons Axe Guitar, don�t know if that will happen but just the same we know that as long as it has to do with KISS he will be happy. So in closing on October 17th while you are performing just remember there will be one little guy in the crowd that has waited for this moment and you can bet he may not be the oldest KISS fan there but in his heart he is the biggest. Thank you Pam James
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