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Keep on Rocking

Posted on 08/21/2009
Sonic Boom comes out Oct. 6, 2009 and I don't think I could be more excited. I am probably one of your youngest fans at 16 years old, but you guys really do amazing work. I have every album you guys have ever recorded on my iPod and I can't wait to add "Sonic Boom" to the list. That is gonna be the difinitive KISS in my opinion. A disc of new work. A disc of rerecordings and a DVD of tour hilights. That is it in my opinion. The ultimate set. The only thing better than that has to be KISSology and frankly I hope you guys manage to make another volume of that with your modern stuff. October 6th cant come soon enough. Got my kiss outfit ready for that day to honor the legends.


Gene, your show has to have been the greatest show to be called a reality show.
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